Version 2.0 ist ein veraltete Veröffentlichung, diese Dokumente werden nicht mehr gewartet.


AtoM themes can be customized by editing the appropriate css and .php files, or you can create a custom theme for your AtoM database.

Customize how an AtoM theme looks

  1. Revise website name, tagline and logo in apps/qubit/templates/layout.php.
  2. Add new logo image to web/images.
  3. Revise website name & logo section in graphic.css to style new website name, tagline and logo
  4. Replace favicon.ico in /web.
  5. Change website meta tags (e.g. title, description, keywords) in apps/qubit/config/view.yml.
  6. Change the homepage and about page content in staticPages.yml or in the user interface- see Manage static pages.
  7. Change default user interface labels in siteSettings.yml or in the user interface- see User interface labels.
  8. Change the default templates for each module in siteSettings.yml or in the user interface- see Default templates.
  9. Revise default drop-down/picklist values as well as menu options and labels in the user interface- see Manage Menus.

Theme your own version of AtoM

  1. Make changes to the global layout of the website in apps/qubit/templates/layout.php.
  2. Make css style changes to layout.css, graphic.css, form.css and menu.css
  3. Make changes to the templates in individual modules (found in the apps/qubit/modules/xxx/templates directory)

See Symfony framework documentation for more assistance.

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