Version 2.0 ist ein veraltete Veröffentlichung, diese Dokumente werden nicht mehr gewartet.

Visible elements

Visible elements enables an administrator to “hide” specific fields in the database from the public (i.e., unauthorized users, or users who are not logged in). It also allows administrators to hide the Physical storage area.

To access the visible elements menu, click on the gears Admin menu in the main menu located in the header bar and select “Visible elements” from the drop-down menu.

An image of the Visible elements menu in AtoM

Hide or show metadata fields

An authenticated (logged-in) administrator can click on the checkboxes to reveal the field, while an unchecked box hides the field. To review which fields can be hidden from the public, select ISAD template, RAD template, or Digital object metadata area as applicable. Whether you hide/show elements from the ISAD or RAD area depends on which default template you are using.

Visible elements menu with checkboxes.

Click “Save” to save your changes.

Hide or show Physical storage

Administrators can select whether Physical storage information is visible to unauthorized (not logged-in) users or not by clicking on Physical storage area, and checking or unchecking the Physical storage button.

Visible elements menu for physical storage

Click “Save” to save your changes.


If physical storage is hidden to unauthorized users, the physical storage information will also be missing from exported EAD file, if exported by a non-authenticated user.

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