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Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS 2013) - data entry and CSV template

On this page you will find:

DACS and the ISAD CSV template

At present, there is no DACS-based CSV template for importing descriptions into AtoM. However, because DACS maps so well to the International Council on Archives ‘ ISAD(G) standard, the ISAD CSV template can be used. The CSV mappings below will provide guidance on which ISAD CSV fields can be used to import your DACS-based descriptions into AtoM.

To download the ISAD(G) CSV template for AtoM, please visit our wiki page (link to come).

Field descriptions

DACS is maintained by the Society of American Archivists (SAA), and is available at:

Information below includes:

  • Template field refers to the default label for that field in AtoM
  • CSV Column refers to the title of the related column in the ((ISAD) CSV template
  • DACS Rule refers to the rule from the applicable standard and/or the instructions provided by AtoM.
  • EAD refers to the field mapping to EAD
  • Notes includes any other information needed for successful data entry or CSV import.

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Identity elements

An image of the data entry fields in the DACS Identity elements.

The data entry fields for the Identity elements of the DACS archival description edit template.


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Content and structure elements

Data entry fields in the DACS Content and Structure elements.

The data entry fields for the Content and structure elements of the DACS archival description edit template.


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Conditions of access and use elements

Data entry fields in the DACS Conditions of access and use elements

The data entry fields for the Conditions of access and use elements of the DACS archival description edit template.


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Acquisition and appraisal elements


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Notes element


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Description control element


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