International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families¶
On this page you will find:
- Link to downloadable CSV template using ISAAR(CPF) International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families
- Description of fields used when entering or importing authority records using ISAAR(CPF) in a CSV file or entering the data manually.
- Encoded Archival Context (EAC-CPF XML) mappings
ISAAR(CPF) Authority record CSV template¶
To download the ISAAR(CPF) CSV templates for AtoM, please visit our wiki page (link to come).
Field descriptions¶
ISAAR(CPF) is maintained by the International Council on Archives and is available at
Information below includes:
- Template field refers to the default label for that field in AtoM
- CSV Column refers to the title of the column in the CSV template
- ISAAR Rule refers to the rule from the applicable standard and/or the instructions provided by AtoM.
- EAC refers to the field mapping to EAC-CPF XML
- Notes includes any other information needed for successful data entry or CSV import.
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Identity area¶
Description area¶
Relationships area¶
Control area¶