Version 2.3 ist ein veraltete Veröffentlichung, diese Dokumente werden nicht mehr gewartet.

Data backup

A data backup plan and schedule is critical for disaster recovery (e.g. hard drive failure, data corruption). Make sure to backup all important data on a regular basis. We also recommend backing up your data before making any changes to AtoM or the underlying database, such as a software upgrade, etc.

On this page you will also find information on server migration.

Database backup

We recommend following the instructions linked below provided by Wordpress for backing up AtoM data:

You can follow these instructions using either the mysql command line tool or phpMyAdmin .

Digital Objects backup

If your database includes digital objects, you will also need to backup the files in /uploads on a regular basis. See instructions in Server migration, below.

Translations backup

If you are actively translating the application interface, you will also need to backup the translation files in the /apps/qubit/i18n directory.

Server migration

When migrating your AtoM database from server to server, you’ll need to copy over a number of types of data.

MySQL database

Make a dump of your Qubit database using mysqldump:

mysqldump -u <MySQL username> -p<MySQL password> -c <database name>

Digital objects

If you’ve imported digital objects into AtoM, you’ll have to create an backup of those as well.

cd /path/to/qubit
tar cvf uploads.tar uploads/
gzip uploads.tar

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