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International Standard for Describing Institutions with Archival Holdings

On this page you will find a description of the fields used when entering archival institution data into AtoM’s ISDIAH-based template

Field descriptions

ISDIAH is maintained by the International Council on Archives and is available at:

Information below includes:

  • Template field refers to the default label for that field in AtoM
  • ISDIAH Rule refers to the rule from the applicable standard and/or the instructions provided by AtoM.
  • Notes includes any other information needed for successful data entry

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Identity area

An image of the data entry fields in the ISDIAH Identity area.

The data entry fields for the Identity area of the ISDIAH archival institution template.


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Contact area

An image of the data entry fields in the ISDIAH Contact area.

The data entry fields for the Contact area of the ISDIAH archival institution template.


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Description area

An image of the data entry fields in the ISDIAH Description area.

The data entry fields for the Description area of the ISDIAH archival institution template.


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Access area

An image of the data entry fields in the ISDIAH Access area.

The data entry fields for the Access area of the ISDIAH archival institution template.


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Services area

An image of the data entry fields in the ISDIAH Services area.

The data entry fields for the Services area of the ISDIAH archival institution template.


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Control area

An image of the data entry fields in the ISDIAH Control area.

The data entry fields for the Control area of the ISDIAH archival institution template.


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