Version 2.8 est une version antérieure, et ces documents ne sont plus maintenus.

Intended audience

This manual is intended for systems administrators and developers seeking information on the installation, configuration, maintenance, and development of the AtoM application. Its focus is more technical in nature than the AtoM User manual - if you are looking for information on how to use AtoM via its web-based user interface, please see the User manual.

While we have tried to make this document usable by readers with a broad range of technical knowledge, it may be too complex if you have no previous experience with installing web applications or using the command line. If you’d like to help us improve this documentation, please see our About/Contribute documents.

If you are a non-technical reader and are just interested in trying out AtoM, please check out the AtoM online demo or our Vagrant box.

Version 2.8