AtoM documentation contents¶
- AtoM documentation
- User manual
- What is AtoM?
- Technical Requirements
- Entity types
- Descriptive standards
- Getting Started
- Accessions
- Archival Descriptions
- Add a new archival description
- Edit an existing archival description
- Duplicate an existing archival description
- Link related archival descriptions in AtoM to each other
- Change the display standard
- Add alternative identifiers to an archival description
- Rename the title or slug of an archival description
- View the modification history of an archival description
- Move an archival description
- Delete an archival description
- Authority records
- AtoM, Authority records, Biographical histories, and Access points
- Create a new authority record
- Edit an existing authority record
- Add access points to your authority record
- Link an existing authority record to an archival description
- Link an authority record to a repository as its maintainer
- Create a relationship between two authority records
- Create a relationship between an authority record and a function
- Delete an authority record
- Archival Institutions
- Add a new archival institution
- Edit an existing archival institution
- Add access points to your archival institution
- Link an archival description to an archival institution
- Edit the theme for an existing archival institution
- Set digital object upload limit for an archival institution
- Delete an archival institution
- Deaccession records
- Donor records
- Functions
- Rights
- Add a new rights record
- Manage rights inheritance
- Make rights actionable on digital objects
- Configure Disallowed and Conditional access statements
- Configure a preservation system access statement
- Add a Copyright statement before allowing access to a master digital object
- Manage Rights holders records
- Control area
- Terms
- Physical storage
- Formatting
- Exit edit mode
- Search
- Advanced search
- Browse
- Browsing for all users
- Browsing for authenticated users
- Navigation in AtoM
- Context menu
- Clipboard
- Multilingual design principles
- Translate Content
- Translate Interface
- Translate static pages
- File and item list reports and printing
- Create physical storage location and Box label reports
- Generate, upload, download, and print finding aids
- Finding aid settings
- Generate or upload a finding aid
- Delete an existing finding aid
- Finding aid layout
- Troubleshooting finding aid issues
- Physical storage information is not included in my finding aid
- I don’t want to display physical storage information in my finding aid
- Draft descriptions are being shown in my finding aid
- There’s no option in the context menu to generate a finding aid
- My scope and content is not included for file and item level descriptions
- Finding aid generation error; the jobs page says that “Exporting EAD has failed”
- Upload and manage digital objects
- Link a single digital object to an archival description
- Digital object metadata
- Digital object metadata for preservation files
- Link a single digital object to an authority record
- Upload multiple digital objects to archival descriptions
- Upload PDF
- Edit digital objects
- Add dynamic maps to your digital object metadata
- Edit the filename of a digital object linked to an archival description
- Delete digital objects
- Adding a watermark to reference images
- Digital object storage
- Files formats
- Import XML
- Export XML
- CSV import
- Before you import
- Legacy ID mapping: dealing with hierarchical data in a CSV
- Prepare archival descriptions for CSV import
- Import new archival descriptions via CSV
- Update existing descriptions via CSV import
- Prepare events for CSV import
- Import events via CSV
- Prepare archival institution records for CSV import
- Import new archival institutions via CSV
- Update archival institutions via CSV import
- Prepare authority records for CSV import
- Import new authority records via CSV
- Update authority records via CSV import
- Prepare authority record relationships for CSV import
- Import new authority record relationships via CSV
- Prepare accession records for CSV import
- Create new accession records via CSV import
- Update existing accessions via CSV import
- CSV export
- CSV Validation
- CSV validator import settings
- Validate a CSV via the user interface
- CSV validation report structure
- CSV validation test classes
- CSV validation tests - all entities
- CSV validation tests - descriptions
- CSV validation tests - archival institutions
- Import and export terms with SKOS
- OAI Repository
- Manage user accounts and user groups
- Manage digital object storage
- Edit permissions
- Manage jobs
- Manage static pages
- Manage Menus
- Manage plugins
- Settings
- Global settings
- Application version
- Check for updates
- Results per page
- Escape special characters from searches
- Sort browser (users)
- Sort browser (anonymous)
- Default repository browse view
- Default archival description browse view
- Multiple repositories
- Enable institutional scoping
- Enable description change logging
- Show tooltips
- Generate description permalinks from
- Use any valid URI path segment and uppercase character in slugs
- Default publication status
- Show available drafts notification upon user login
- SWORD deposit directory
- Google Maps JavaScript API key setting
- Generate archival description reports as public user
- Cache description XML exports upon creation/modification
- CSV Validator settings
- Clipboard settings
- DIP upload
- Default page elements
- Default templates
- Diacritics
- Digital object derivatives
- Finding aid
- Add/Remove languages
- Identifier settings
- Inventory
- Markdown settings
- OAI repository
- Permissions
- Privacy notification
- Security panel
- Site information
- Storage Service
- Treeview settings
- Uploads
- User interface labels
- Global settings
- Themes and theming
- Default language
- Site logo
- Description Updates
- Visible elements
- General International Standard Archival Description (ISAD(G)) data entry and CSV template
- Rules for Archival Description (RAD) data entry and CSV template
- RAD CSV template
- Field descriptions
- Title and statement of responsibility area
- Title proper
- General material designation
- Parallel title
- Other title information
- Title statement of responsibility
- Title notes - Statements of responsibility
- Title notes - Attributions and conjectures
- Title notes - Continuation of title
- Title notes - Source of title proper
- Title notes - Variations in title
- Title notes - Parallel titles and other title information
- Level of description
- Add new child levels
- Repository
- Reference code
- Alternative identifier
- Edition area
- Class of materials specific details area
- Authority record fields
- Dates of creation area
- Physical description area
- Publisher’s series area
- Archival description area
- Notes area
- Physical condition
- Immediate source of acquisition
- Arrangement
- Language of material
- Script of material
- Language and script note
- Location of originals
- Availability of other formats
- Restrictions on access
- Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication
- Finding aids
- Associated materials
- Accruals
- Other notes - Accompanying material
- Other notes - Alpha-numeric designations
- Other notes - Cast note
- Other notes - Conservation
- Other notes - Credits note
- Other notes - Edition
- Other notes - Physical description
- Other notes - Publisher’s series
- Other notes- Rights
- Other notes- Signatures note
- Other notes - General note
- Standard number area
- Access points
- Control area
- Rights area
- Administration area
- Title and statement of responsibility area
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS 2013) data entry and CSV template
- Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1 (DC)
- Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS)
- International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families
- International Standard for Describing Institutions with Archival Holdings
- International Standard for Describing Functions (ISDF)
- Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies v2.2 (PREMIS)
- Glossary
- Administrator manual
- Installation
- Intended audience
- Technical Requirements
- Linux - Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat)
- Windows
- Mac OS X
- Advanced configuration using Ansible
- Upgrading
- Check minimum requirements
- Read the release notes
- Make sure the dependencies are updated
- Install the latest version of AtoM
- Copy your old data
- Run the upgrade task
- Restore configuration changes
- Migrate translations
- Regenerate the digital object reference and thumbnail images (optional)
- Rebuild search index and clear cache
- Check the services configuration
- Restart services
- Set site base URL
- Compile Theme Files
- Recompiling after making modifications
- Start using the software!
- PHP execution limits
- Maintenance
- Command line tools
- Find out what version of AtoM you’re running
- Add a SuperUser (Admin) account
- Promote a user to an administrator
- Change a password
- Delete a user account from the command-line
- Check the status of your Elasticsearch index
- See the search index output for a description
- Regenerating derivatives
- Re-indexing PDF text
- Rebuild the nested set
- Generate slugs
- Rename slugs via command line
- Taxonomy normalization
- Manage physical storage locations
- Update the publication status of descriptions
- Unlink creators from child descriptions and reapply inheritance to hierarchy
- Move description relations from one authority record to another
- Delete a description
- Delete all draft descriptions
- Delete a digital object
- Delete temporary data (saved clipboards, access log, and downloads)
- Generate and cache XML for all archival descriptions
- Remove HTML content from archival description fields
- Export a list of terms linked to one or more descriptions from a taxonomy
- Auto-populate repository latitude and longitude values
- Installer
- Purging all data
- Generate an XML sitemap for search engine optimization
- Manually upload Archivematica DIP objects
- Generate a finding aid
- Find data integrity issues
- Run a generic PHP script
- Import and export from the command-line
- Bulk import of XML files
- Bulk export of XML files
- Validate CSV files via the command-line before import
- Import CSV files via the command-line
- Audit a CSV import
- Delete descriptions created by a CSV import
- Load digital objects via the command line
- Index your content after an import
- Export CSV files from the command-line
- Clear cache
- Web analytics
- Logging
- Web server logs
- Monitoring
- Data backup
- Common AtoM database queries
- Backing up the database
- Accessing the MySQL command prompt
- SQL maintenance, tuning, and logging
- General AtoM entity SQL queries
- Archival description SQL queries
- Get description record counts
- Update draft archival descriptions to published
- Globally update archival description fields
- Move descriptions to a different repository
- Bulk change levels of description
- Delete translations
- Get the source name and ID of a description for import updating
- Output the OAI identifier values of descriptions
- Digital object SQL queries
- Authority record and event SQL queries
- Term and Taxonomy SQL queries
- Note and Property table SQL queries
- Populate search index
- Asynchronous jobs and worker management
- Troubleshooting
- Figure out the nature of the problem
- Error logs and Debug mode
- Restarting services
- Monitoring active processes and checking execution limits
- Running AtoM’s most common maintenance tasks
- Dealing with data corruption
- Getting support
- Troubleshooting FAQ
- Why do I get a blank white screen?
- Why do I get a 500 (Internal Server) error?
- Why do I get a “Max execution time” exceeded error?
- Why do I get a “Allowed memory size” exhausted error?
- Why do I get a “Too many connections” error?
- Why do I get a “MySQL has gone away” error?
- Why do I get a “Parent Resource id: ‘XXXXX’ does not exist” error?
- Why do I get warnings when populating the search index?
- Why do I get a SearchPhaseExecutionException when trying to search?
- Why do I get a 504 Connection timed out error?
- Why am I seeing strange behavior in the AtoM treeview?
- Why can’t I upload (large) digital objects?
- Why can’t I log into AtoM?
- What should I do if I get an error that isn’t described here?
- Debug mode
- Elasticsearch
- Command line tools
- Customization
- Manage AtoM configuration files
- Theming
- Watermarking
- User authentication
- Localization
- Security
- Installation
- Developer’s manual