Version 2.9 est notre dernière version.

Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies v2.2 (PREMIS)

On this page you will find:

  • Descriptions of fields used when entering data into a Rights record associated with an archival description or an accession record. In AtoM, the Rights template is based on version 2.2 of the PREMIS standard’s section on rights. For more information on Rights in AtoM, see: Rights.

Field descriptions

Information below includes:

  • Template field refers to the default label for that field in AtoM
  • PREMIS Rule refers to the rule from the applicable standard and/or the instructions provided by AtoM.
  • Notes includes any other information needed for successful data entry.

PREMIS Rights basis area

An image of the data entry fields in the PREMIS Rights basis area.

The data entry fields in the PREMIS Rights basis area edit template.


Template field: Basis

PREMIS Rule: Basis for the permissions granted or for the restriction of rights.

Notes: The field is a drop-down menu of controlled terms drawn from the Rights basis taxonomy. The default values, drawn from PREMIS, are:

  • Copyright
  • Donor
  • License
  • Policy
  • Statute

A user with sufficient permissions can modify existing terms or add new terms to the taxonomy. When new terms are added, they will show up in the configurable Permissions table found in Admin > Settings > Permissions. For more information, see:

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PREMIS Acts / Granted rights area

An image of the data entry fields in the PREMIS Acts/Granted rights area.

The data entry fields in the PREMIS Acts/Granted rights area.

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