Version 2.9 è la nostra versione più recente.

Read information object endpoint

GET /api/informationobjects/<slug>

This endpoint will obtain all information object data available for a particular archival description in fields that map to the ISAD template, including related PREMIS rights statements and digital object metadata


If you are using another descriptive standard as your default descriptive template, it is possible that not all data will be available in the endpoints response for a particular resource. For example the RAD template contains many custom note fields that do not have equivalents in the ISAD template.

To be able to query the endpoint, you will need to know the slug of the information object (aka archival description) you are trying to read. Note that the slug is include in the Browse information objects endpoint response, so you could use it to determine the slug of a particular description if needed.

Example request

GET /api/informationobjects/test-description HTTP/1.1

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "reference_code": "CA REPO-ID IDENTIFIER (ISAD 3.1.1)",
  "title": "ISAD API Crosswalk (ISAD 3.1.2)",
  "publication_status": "Draft",
  "level_of_description": "Fonds",
  "extent_and_medium": "Extent and medium (ISAD 3.1.5)",
  "dates": [
      "date": "January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2016",
      "start_date": "2015-01-01",
      "end_date": "2016-12-31",
      "type": "Creation"
  "creators": [
      "authotized_form_of_name": "Creator (ISAD 3.2.1)",
      "history": "Creator history (ISAD 3.2.2)"
  "repository": "Artefactual Archives",
  "archival_history": "Archival history (ISAD 3.2.3)",
  "immediate_source_of_acquisition_or_transfer": "Immediate source of acquisition or transfer (ISAD 3.2.4)",
  "scope_and_content": "Scope and content (ISAD 3.3.1)",
  "appraisal_destruction_and_scheduling": "Appraisal, destruction and scheduling (ISAD 3.3.2)",
  "accruals": "Accruals (ISAD 3.3.3)",
  "system_of_arrangement": "System of arrangement (ISAD 3.3.4)",
  "conditions_governing_access": "Conditions governing access (ISAD, 3.4.1)",
  "conditions_governing_reproduction": "Conditions governing reproduction (ISAD 3.4.2)",
  "languages_of_material": [
  "scripts_of_material": [
  "language_and_script_notes": "Language and script notes (ISAD 3.4.3)",
  "physical_characteristics_and_technical_requirements": "Sources, Control Area.",
  "finding_aids": "Finding aids (ISAD 3.4.5)",
  "existence_and_location_of_originals": "Existence and location of originals (ISAD 3.5.1)",
  "existence_and_location_of_copies": "Existence and location of copies (ISAD 3.5.2)",
  "related_units_of_description": "Related unites of description (ISAD 3.5.3)",
  "publication_notes": [
    "Publication notes (ISAD 3.5.4)"
  "notes": [
    "General note (ISAD 3.6.1)"
  "alternative_identifiers": [
      "label": "Alternate identifier label 1",
      "identifier": "ALT-ID1"
      "label": "Alternative identifer label 2",
      "identifier": "ALT-ID2"
  "subject_access_points": [
    "Subject access point 1",
    "Subject access point 2"
  "place_access_points": [
    "Place access point 1",
    "Place access point 2"
  "name_access_points": [
    "Name access point 1",
    "Name access point 2"
  "description_identifier": "Description identifier (Control area)",
  "institution_identifier": "INSTITUTION-ID",
  "rules_and_or_conventions_used": "Rules or conventions (ISAD 3.7.2)",
  "status": "Draft",
  "level_of_detail": "Full",
  "Dates of creation revision deletion": "Dates of creation, revision and deletion.",
  "languages_of_description": [
  "scripts_of_description": [
  "archivists_notes": [
    "Archivist's notes (ISAD 3.7.1)"
  "rights": [
      "basis": "Copyright",
      "start_date": "2016-01-01",
      "end_date": "2166-12-31",
      "documentation_identifier_type": "Documentation identifer type",
      "documentation_identifier_value": "Documentation identifier value",
      "documentation_identifier_role": "Documentation identifier role",
      "rights_holder": "Example rights holder name",
      "rights_note": "Rights note",
      "copyright_status": "Under copyright",
      "copyright_status_date": "2016-00-00",
      "copyright_jurisdiction": "Canada",
      "copyright_note": "Copyright note",
      "granted_rights": [
          "act": "Display",
          "restriction": "Conditional",
          "start_date": "2016-01-01",
          "end_date": "2166-01-01",
          "notes": "Notes for Display right"
  "digital_object": {
    "filename": "sassy-bunny.jpg",
    "media_type": "Image",
    "mime_type": "image\/jpeg",
    "byte_size": "29458",
    "uploaded_at": "January 1, 2016 5:00 PM",
    "url": "http:\/\/\/uploads\/r\/artefactual-archives\/f\/1\/d\/f1d57e030432177172e638fab2b995fb191b9861cdd9f7b424e3f3c759be0aa9\/sassy-bunny.jpg",
    "reference_url": "http:\/\/\/uploads\/r\/artefactual-archives\/f\/1\/d\/f1d57e030432177172e638fab2b995fb191b9861cdd9f7b424e3f3c759be0aa9\/sassy-bunny_141.jpg",
    "thumbnail_url": "http:\/\/\/uploads\/r\/artefactual-archives\/f\/1\/d\/f1d57e030432177172e638fab2b995fb191b9861cdd9f7b424e3f3c759be0aa9\/sassy-bunny_142.jpg"

Request parameters

  • sf_culture: ISO 639-1 language code

See Common parameter - i18n culture for more information on this parameter.

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