AtoM » Stabilne različice
Različica programa | Datum izida | Prenesite | Spremembe |
Release 2.8.2 | May 17, 2024 | Prenesite | Seznam težav |
AtoM » Razvojne objave
Različica programa | Datum izida | Prenesite | Spremembe |
Release 2.8.3 | Neznano | Še ni na voljo | Seznam težav |
AtoM » Zastarele različice
ICA-AtoM » Zastarele različice
Različica programa | Datum izida | Prenesite | Spremembe |
Release 1.3.2 | January 28, 2015 | Prenesite | #7356 |
Release 1.3.1 | May 7, 2013 | Prenesite | Seznam težav |
Release 1.3.0 | August 27, 2012 | Prenesite | Seznam težav |
Prenesite in namestite program AtoM na svoj spletni strežnik
AtoM je programska oprema, ki se nahaja na spletu. Lahko jo prenesete in namestite na lasten spletni strežnik, da bo vaša različica na voljo vsem z dostopom do spleta. Program AtoM spremlja namestitveni program, ki vam bo pomagal pri postopku namestitve.
Ko ste prenesli to datoteko, obiščite naslednjo podstran: dokumentacija o namestitvi. Obiščite tudi vodnik po nadgradnji.
Test AtoM locally using Vagrant
Run AtoM as a virtual machine (VM) on any operating system, using Virtualbox and Vagrant. This option allows you to try AtoM on your personal computer if you don't have access to your own webserver on which to install AtoM, or if you're a developer looking to work with the code.
Virtualbox is an open source, easy to use general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware, targeted at server, desktop and embedded use, and Vagrant is an open source automation tool for building complete development environments. Artefactual has created an AtoM VM that can be easily used with Virtualbox, which will virtualize the installation environment for you so you can easily run a test instance of AtoM on your personal computer. For more information, see our Vagrant installation instructions in the AtoM Administrator's Manual.